Valiant & Noble Marquis: Conrad of Montferrat

Hull (GB),  9 ottobre 2014

La nostra associata Marianne Gilchrist, ha tenuto una conferenza dal titolo Valiant & Noble Marquis’: Conrad of MontferratThe Real Hero of the Third Crusade . L’incontro – organizzato dalla Società Dante Alighieri è stato ospitato dall’Università di Hull.
Già in diverse occasioni Marianne Gilchrist si è occupata dei temi riguardanti i Marchesi Aleramici di Monferrato e, in particolare, di Corrado re di Gerusalemme oltre ad aver visitato il nostro territorio accompagnata dai rappresentanti della nostra Associazione.
La conferenza ha rappresentato un’ulteriore dimostrazione dell’interesse che la storia del Monferrato riscuote in ambito internazionale e un ulteriore incoraggiamento per l’attività divulgativa svolta dalla nostra associazione.

About the Speaker:
Dr Marianne McLeod Gilchrist is a graduate of the University   of   St   An-drews   (MA   Hons  Mediæval History, PhD Art History).
She has taught in higher and adult education, and worked in the heritage sector. As a freelance historical researcher and writer, she has published numerous articles on history, art and literature in the UK, Canada, the USA, and Italy. She currently works as a project assistant on the Consultation Letters of Prof William Cullen (School of Critical Studies, University of Glasgow)
Her book, Patrick Ferguson: A Man of Some  Genius (National Museums of Scotland, 2003), was been described by the late Prof Richard Holmes as:
…painstaking, vivid and accurate. I can think of no short biography which has pleased me more, or thrown a brighter light onto the events in which its subject played his small but distinguished part.
She also edited the letters of Captain Hon. William Leslie for the Army Records Society’s Military Miscellany II (2005).
She has had a long-standing interest in Conrad of Montferrat and his family, and in the troubadour culture of the Occitan world. She first encountered Conrad in her teens, through Walter Scott’s The Talisman, and was soon captivated by the exciting and tragic story of the real man behind Scott’s melodrama villain. She has visited Monferrato, and is a member of the Circolo Culturale ‘I Marchesi del Monferrato’.
